
Studies, research and translations on politics, sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender, education and other topics.
  • Political Research
  • 100
  • 978-9950-00-000-1
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    ما بعد الحرب على غزة
    SKU 390
    ما بعد الحرب على غزة
    SKU 489

The book "Post 2014 Gaza War: Reading in Israeli Perceptions" by researchers Atef Abu Saif and Muhannad Mustafa explores the implications of the 2014 war and its impact on Palestinian-Israeli relations. The book also examines Israel's stance towards the Hamas movement, President Mahmoud Abbas as representative of the PLO, and the Palestinian Authority. In addition, it delves into Israeli readings of the consequences of the war on the political process.


About the Authors:

 Atef Abu Saif is a Palestinian author who was born in 1973 and grew up in the Jabalia refugee camp located in the Gaza Strip. He received his education from the University of Birzeit and the University of Bradford, and later earned a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence.

Muhannad Mustafa holds a doctorate from the School of Political Science at the University of Haifa. He is the Director General of Mada al-Carmel: Arab Center for Applied Social Studies, Head of the History Department at the Arab Institute for Education at Beit Berl Academic College, and a lecturer in the MA in Israeli Studies program at Birzeit University. Dr. Mustafa has published numerous refereed scientific articles in Arab and foreign periodicals, focusing on the fields of Israeli and Palestinian politics.


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