"Madar" Projects

Madar's mission is actualized through a suite of meticulously curated projects:


Research Project

This project is responsible for proposing specialized research, studies, and reports and monitoring the process of their publication. The general research policy of the project is presented to an academic committee for discussion and approval. The selected topics are chosen to align with the goal of "MADAR," which is to provide a comprehensive, scientific, and critical picture of Israel to the Palestinian and Arab readers. The publications in the past years have included dozens of diverse and original research papers on politics, society, economics, culture, language, army, gender, and education.

In addition to original books and studies, the Research Project issues the annual "MADAR Strategic Report", which monitors and analyzes the most important variables and events in the Israeli scene throughout the previous calendar year, taking into account the background of developments and trying to anticipate their trends. The report is prepared by a group of specialized researchers, each in their field, with a main focus on the impact of the variables on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the peace process.

Since 2021, the Research Project has been issuing the Madar Podcast, an audio edition that presents the Israeli scene in a style that combines the academic-educational and critical-analytical dimensions. The podcast covers topics that include the political-party scene, social rifts within Israel, colonial practices, occupation, foreign relations, and other issues.


The Israeli Scene (al-Mash-had al-Israeli) Supplement Project

"MADAR" issues a weekly supplement that is distributed with the "Al-Ayyam" newspaper. It includes articles, analyses, and follow-ups on Israeli issues. The "Israeli Scene" supplement is also available for free on MADAR website, making it accessible to readers in various Arab countries and around the world. The supplement is edited and supervised by the writer Antoine Shalhat. The articles in the weekly "Israeli Scene" supplement have gained wide readership and interest as they combine investigative journalism with academic research. They shed light on new angles of the Israeli scene, providing readers with continuous and in-depth coverage of daily interactions within Israel.


The Israeli Affairs (Qadaya Isra'iliyya) Journal Project

Since early 2001, MADAR has been publishing the quarterly journal Qadaya Isra'iliyya. It is the first and only Arabic-language research journal in the world specialized in Israeli affairs. The Journal features articles and studies written by a large number of researchers and academics. It also dedicates some of its pages to conducting interviews with well-known figures and covering seminars on specific issues. In addition, the journal reviews recent Hebrew publications. Currently, the editorial team of the magazine is led by Dr. Raif Zreik, in addition to a supporting team of editorial and advisory staff.


Translation Project

This project develops and implements a program to translate books on Israeli issues from Hebrew or English to Arabic. The Translation Project also issues the "Israeli Papers" series, in addition to publishing short translated reports covering important and distinctive topics in the Israeli scene. These reports are considered valuable additions to the Arabic library, as they provide in-depth reviews, analysis, and criticism of current issues within the Israeli scene, particularly those that help readers, decision-makers, and the audience of researchers and academics to develop their understanding of the dynamics of Israeli society.


Publishing & Public Relations

The publishing department prepares all of MADAR’s publications for printing and publishing and monitors their release, this department is managed by the writer Akram Musallam.

The public relations department is responsible for promoting and marketing MADAR’s publications. It also oversees the organization of a series of lectures, seminars, and study days that cover the latest developments in the Israeli scene. During the past decade, the project has organized dozens of seminars, lectures, and open discussions in various parts of the Palestinian territories.