
Studies, research and translations on politics, sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender, education and other topics.
  • Political Research
  • 68
  • 978-9950-330-98-6
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    جهات الضغط والتأثير على دوائر القرار في إسرائيل
    SKU 352
    جهات الضغط والتأثير على دوائر القرار في إسرائيل
    SKU 451

The study explores the complex landscape of lobby groups that exert their influence over Israel's political decision-making process. It analyzes the impact of these groups on decision-makers, their techniques and methods, evolutionary trajectories, and the interplay between political decisions and the oligarchs over the past two decades.

The research reveals that Israel has undergone significant structural changes since the early 1990s, encompassing economic, social, and political dimensions. These changes have deepened the connection between political decision-making and the role of lobby groups.

The study focuses on three key elements that have contributed to the transformations mentioned above. The first element centers on the fragmentation of the dominant political parties and the shift towards a multi-polar political landscape. The second component revolves around the economic oligarchy or the "capitalist tycoons." This term applies to wealthy entrepreneurs who have experienced rapid wealth accumulation over the past two decades, mainly by capitalizing on privatization policies and neoliberal economic strategies. The third component focuses on the rise of radical right-wing civil society organizations and their role in advancing right-wing agendas through government institutions. While a few of these organizations were formed in the 1970s or 1980s (two or three), their impact surged in the latter half of the 1990s and the beginning of the new millennium.

In conclusion, the study emphasizes that as right and extreme right-wing forces have gained ascendancy in recent years, the weight and influence of right-wing organizations have grown. These organizations have pronounced impacted government policies and the mobilization of public support for these policies.

About the author:

Barhom Jaraysi is a journalist, writer, and political researcher specializing in the Israeli political and partisan scene. He has been in charge of the Israeli Legal Monitor project at the MADAR since 2015.


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