
Studies, research and translations on politics, sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender, education and other topics.
A Comprehensive Reading in Netanyahu’s Political and Security Doctrine
  • Political Research
  • 50
  • 978-9950-00-005-6
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    بنيامين نتنياهو : عقيدة
    SKU 391
    بنيامين نتنياهو : عقيدة
    SKU 490

The book "Benjamin Netanyahu: The No-Solution Doctrine," authored by Antoine Shalhat, offers a comprehensive analysis of Benjamin Netanyahu's political career, choices, ideological background, and his profound impact on the Israeli political landscape. This work delves into the right-wing trend he represents, along with his inclination toward a collision and expansion policy in his dealings with the Palestinians.

The book meticulously traces the significant milestones in Netanyahu's career, shedding light on the strategies he employed to maintain power during his second and third tenures, following his substantial defeat in the 1990s.

One of the central themes of the book is Netanyahu's "stalemate policy," which conceals attempts to extend negotiations with the Palestinians, the United States, and the international community to create facts on the ground that obstruct the possibility of reaching a Palestinian-Israeli agreement. This policy aims to facilitate settlement expansion across all the occupied territories from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Furthermore, the book underscores Netanyahu's achievements in instigating internal structural changes within Israel. These changes are part of his persistent efforts to reorganize political, media, and legislative structures to advance his extremist right-wing ideological agenda. In the process, he even pushed for legislation defining Israel as the national state of the Jewish people.

The book also explores the measures taken by Netanyahu's government from 2009 to 2013 and his current government since 2013 to escalate tensions by imposing preconditions for peace, namely, the recognition of the Jewish state and ensuring its security. These policies are closely examined through an analysis of Netanyahu's political and security beliefs, drawing from his book "A Place Under the Sun," his ideological roots, his father's influence, and key speeches like Bar Ilan 1 & 2 and his remarks at the Institute for National Security Studies INSS conference.

The book additionally includes an annex featuring a curated selection of speeches that provide insights into Netanyahu's programs, plans, and ideological shifts.

In sum, "Benjamin Netanyahu: The No-Solution Doctrine" offers a comprehensive examination of Netanyahu's political trajectory and policies, shedding light on the enduring impact he has had on Israeli politics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

About the author:

Antoine Shalhat is a prominent specialist in Israeli affairs and literary criticism, serving as head of the Israeli scene and Translation Unit at MADAR.



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