Madar Center

The Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies (MADAR) is an independent research center specializing in Israeli affairs, based in Ramallah, Palestine. MADAR was established in 2000 by a group of Palestinian intellectuals and academics, including the late poet Mahmoud Darwish, Dr. Lily Feidy, Dr. Ali Jarbawi, Dr. Ahmad Harb, Mr. Walid Al-Ahmad and Mr. Akram Haniyyeh. The center was registered as a not-for-profit organization with the Palestinian Ministry of Interior, and obtained a research center's operational licensing from the Palestinian Ministry of Information.

Madar Objectives

The idea of establishing "MADAR" emerged from the recognition of the urgent need at the Palestinian and Arab levels for a specialized research center to follow Israeli affairs, providing in-depth and critical knowledge with an Arab perspective on its various components. The center aspires to pioneer in offering decision-makers and Palestinian and Arab citizens the opportunity to delve deeply and scientifically into the details of the Israeli scene in an integrated manner.


Madar's Projects

Madar's mission is actualized through a suite of meticulously curated projects:

  • Research Project
  • The "Israeli Scene" Project
  • The "Israeli Affairs Journal" Project
  • Translation Project
  • Publishing & Public Relations
Madar Center thanks all Supporting organizations and entities for their generous giving.

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