
Studies, research and translations on politics, sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender, education and other topics.
On the Anti-Zionist Struggle Inside Israel
  • Translated From English
  • Musaab Bashir
  • 352
  • ISBN 978-9950-03-045-9
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    النكبة بالعبرية
    SKU ebook_834
    النكبة بالعبرية
    SKU book_832

Eitan Bronstein Aparicio, the founder of Zochrot, and his partner Eleonore Merza Bronstein share their personal experiences and deep explorations of the Nakba and its impact on their political identities in their dialogue. The authors engage in a profound reevaluation of their personal memories and their roles within the Israeli colonial experience, unveiling how the Israeli hegemonic narrative has overwhelmingly dominated public consciousness. They shed light on the mechanisms used to uphold this narrative while simultaneously denying the existence of Palestine and its tragic erasure.

This book is not just an examination of documents and photographs but an immersive journey that takes place in the field. The authors work to restore the symbolic names to the once-vibrant villages that were destroyed and strive to erase the names placed on Israeli maps, revealing the profound traces of erased Palestine that lie beneath.


About the authors

Eitan Bronstein Aparicio: is an Israeli educator. He received his MA in Hermeneutics from Bar Ilan University. After serving for over ten years as the coordinator of encounters and projects between Jews and Arabs at the School for Peace at Neve Shalom – Wahat al-Salam – he founded the NGO Zochrot and served as its Director until 2011. In 2015 he co-founded De-Colonizer and is its current co-director. He is also a video director and editor.

Eléonore Merza :Political anthropologist and associated researcher at the CNRS (the French National Scientific Research Council).. Her main fields of research are social protests, political mobilizations, gender and feminisms and memory activism. In 2015, she co-founded De-Colonizer and is its current co-director. She is also a photographer and a writer.


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