Title: "Thirty Years of Oslo: From the Declaration of Principles (1993) to the Tel Aviv Demonstrations (2023)"
The century-long conflict over the land of Palestine, spanning from the late nineteenth century to the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, has been a complex narrative marked by displacement, occupation, and war. The Oslo Accords, a pivotal moment in this ongoing struggle, aimed to address the challenges faced by both the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel. However, three decades since its signing, the question of whether the Oslo Accords constitute a defining moment in the conflict remains open, along with an examination of their fundamental differences from preceding and subsequent events.
Special Issue on Israeli Cinema - "Cinema Production in Israel: The Other, Representations, and the Colonial Narrative"
Israeli cinema, much like its global counterparts, wields a distinctive influence in shaping public opinion, reinforcing mainstream narratives, and molding collective imagination. However, a critical examination of Israeli cinema within the context of Israel's settler-colonial system is crucial to unravel the intricate ways in which films have functioned as tools to reinforce settler narratives and perpetuate anti-indigenous ideologies.
Qadaya Israeliya Issue 89 - "Israel and Lebanon: From the 1982 War to the 2022 Gas Deals"
Qadaya Israeliya's latest issue, Number 89, turns its focus to the intricate and multifaceted relations between Lebanon and Israel, spanning from the tumultuous events of the 1982 war to the recent gas agreements in 2022. Over the past four decades, both nations have navigated through numerous crises, marked by wars, military incursions, and political tensions. Despite the conflicts and hostilities, this issue sheds light on the occurrence of indirect negotiations, exemplified by the gas agreements signed in 2022, leaving a significant and undeniable impact on Israel's military doctrine, the concept of national security, and its regional influence.
Special Issue on Jerusalem - "East Jerusalem: Emerging Changes over the Past Decade"
Several years after our last exploration of the significant and complex theme of Jerusalem, we are proud to present a dedicated issue focused on the evolving dynamics in this historic city. Jerusalem has held paramount importance throughout history, as evident in its separate treatment in the 1947 Partition Plan due to its unique religious and national significance. Even before the creation of Israel, Jerusalem received privileged attention from various arms of the World Zionist Organisation, emphasizing its special status. Post the 1967 occupation, Jerusalem's importance was further solidified with the enactment of a special law.
Qadaya Israeliya Special Issue - "Israel in a Shifting Regional Landscape"
Once again, Qadaya Israeliya endeavors to delve into the complexities of Israel's position in the ever-evolving regional landscape, addressing both enduring and emerging issues. The shifts witnessed over the past few years render this issue exceptionally relevant, with contemporary dynamics shaped by events in the region and the global system. This fluidity demands and promises new alignments, yet the ultimate outcomes remain uncertain, adding an element of intrigue to the geopolitical puzzle.
Special Issue - "Palestinian Coastal Cities: Colonisation, Neoliberalism, and Resistance"
The latest issue of Qadaya Israeliya (Israeli Affairs) is dedicated to a critical examination of renewed settlement activity within Palestinian coastal cities, namely Jaffa, Haifa, Lydda, and Acre. Despite the displacement of the majority of the indigenous population in 1948, Arab Palestinians have persisted in these cities, serving as guardians of historical memory. The May 2021 uprising and its aftermath brought to light deep national, social, and economic rifts within these cities, challenging the notion of "mixed cities" promoted in Israeli discourse as a symbol of tolerance.
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