Israeli Scene Archive

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Netanyahu indicates he will use corpses of martyrs of the Gaza tunnel as a pressure card

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to release the Israelis detained by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu indicated that he would use the corpses of five martyrs of the Islamic Jihad Mo... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Israel is concerned at the increasingly strong alliance between Russia, Iran and Turkey!

According a report by Alex Fishman, military analyst of Yedioth Ahronoth, high level Israeli political and security circles have expressed concern at the increasingly strong alliance between Russia, I... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Report: Government spending on settlers is more than double their percentage of the Israeli population!

A new report of the Macro Center for Political Economics shows that the Israeli government spending on settlements and settlers in all aspects of life is more than double their percentage of the total... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

The majority of the Jews believe that Arab citizens cannot feel they is part of the Palestinian people and be at the same time a “loyal citizen of the state”!

Published by the Israel Democracy Institute, a research paper on the relations between the Arabs and Jews presents a set of findings and conclusions, most notably: 1. The system of relations betwee... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Tension between the Jews and Arabs is the deepest and sharpest in Israel!

The “status of Arabs in Israel” is one of the most controversial issues between segments of the “Jewish national majority”. It is clear that the “camp which casts doubt on, or is even hostile to, the ... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Four common options in the Israeli public debate, all sharing a “real concern over the State of Israel’s future and population”!

On the 50th anniversary of the occupation, Israel-based Davar Rishon newspaper conducted interviews early this month with five Israelis who “adopt crystallised, complementary and integral visions on t... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Low number of Arab school libraries compared to Hebrew schools and number of book even lower!

An in-depth research into the government budget line items earmarked for Israeli ministries shows new layers of discrimination, which stem from two main backgrounds: the national background in the cas... Read More

Introductory Remark

On the Israeli right wing’s pursuit to impose its hegemony and discourse: New facts

In this issue of the Israeli Scene, we continue to report the most notable new facts in relation to the Israeli right wing’s pursuit to consolidate its hegemony over all walks of life in Israel. In pa... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Jerusalem, West Bank and Settlement Construction – A vision of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies

Unified Greater Jerusalem and Israeli sovereignty over the city are a central tenet of intellectual principles and research programmes of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies (JISS). Since it... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Increasing “negative Jewish migration” from Naqab and Galilee to the centre

Since its early years, the State of Israel has developed and implemented schemes to seize all Palestinian land in the areas of Galilee and Naqab. To this avail, Israel has constructed Jewish settlemen... Read More