Israeli Scene Archive

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

A new document by the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab citizens of Israel: We seek to establish an international solidarity network to support the rights of Palestinians of Israel

On the occasion of the International Day for Supporting the Rights of Palestinian Citizens of Israel, the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel released a document, which affirms the de... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

A new “databank” exposes and documents: Israeli universities are an integral part of the occupation, settlement enterprise, discrimination and persecution!

A group of Israeli academics, recently established under the name Academia for Equality (AfE), has embarked on building and developing a data bank, namely Recruited Academia. In addition to news items... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

An “unprecedented boost” in relations between Israel and Azerbaijan

Late last week, Israeli Prime Benyamin Netanyahu returned from India following a several day visit. Described as a “historical visit”, this was the second time an Israeli prime minister visited India.... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Ministerial Committee for Legislation approves amendments, providing for enforcement of more Israeli laws on West Bank settlements!

 On Sunday, the Israeli Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved amendments proposed by parties of the ruling coalition. The amendments provide that more Israeli laws be enforced on settlem Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Israeli official archives: The principle is to conceal; the exception is to disclose!

Released on 15 January 2018, a new report by Yaacov Lozowick, Director of the Israel State Archives, has caused considerable controversy among relevant circles over the archive disclosure policy at th... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Rabbis call for the rejection of service in mixed military units

Over the past few days, controversy has stirred up by a prominent settler rabbi, who called on soldiers to refuse military service if they are forced to serve in mixed military units, which comprise b... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Lawyer Avigdor Feldman tells the story of judicial struggle in Shin Bet prison cells: Torture in Israel is out of the judicial game!

Avigdor Feldman is a key, if not the most prominent and significant, Israeli lawyers. Systematically and unrelentingly, he has waged a stubborn struggle against torture techniques, used by the Israel ... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Dozens of 8200 Unit soldiers and officers: We refuse to continue to be a tool for persecuting Palestinians and entrenching military occupation!

The letter revealed in Israel in early September 2014 is not like any other in view of its content, writers, signatories, impact and influence. Repercussions and reactions were equally extraordinary a... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Israeli Minister of Justice is preparing a bill to transfer all land cases in the West Bank from the High Court of Justice!

According to a report published exclusively by Yedioth Ahronoth last week, Ayelet Shaked, Israeli Minister of Justice and member of the Jewish Home party, is finalising a bill, which would force Pales... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Law enforcement agencies’ failure to address settler crimes against Palestinians in the West Bank contributes to escalating these crimes!

A new report released by Yesh Din  Volunteers for Human Rights asserts that less than one in ten investigations into ideologically-motivated crimes of hatred against Palestinians in the West Bank end... Read More