
Studies, research and translations on politics, sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender, education and other topics.
Strategies of Hegemony and Exclusion
  • Political Research
  • Salim Salama, Salafah Hijjawi
  • 313
  • 978-9950-330-89-4
  • Add to cart Product Name SKU Price Discount Qty
    التخطيط القومي في إسرائيل
    SKU 396
    التخطيط القومي في إسرائيل
    SKU 495

In the book, "National Planning in Israel: Strategies of Hegemony and Exclusion," authored by Yousef Rafiq Jabarin, an insightful exploration is undertaken to unravel the origins and underpinnings of Israeli national planning policies. The book sheds light on the influential figures responsible for shaping these policies and reveals the expansionist and exclusionary ideology that underscores them, exposing various associated complexities and shadows.

About the Author:

Professor Yousef Jabarin is a renowned urban planning expert who currently holds a professorship at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. He completed his education in city planning from Harvard University and has made significant contributions to academic literature in the fields of justice, city planning, and sustainable development across the world. His research interests focus on Israeli planning in different regions, including Jerusalem, the Galilee, Naqab, and the West Bank. Professor Jabarin is currently a lecturer at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.


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