
Studies, research and translations on politics, sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender, education and other topics.
  • Political Research
  • honida ghanim
  • Hunaida Ghanem, Antoine Shalhat, Raif Zreik, Hassan Jabareen, Ahmed Al-Khalidi, Youssef Tayseer Jabareen, Nimr Sultani
  • 109
  • 978-9950-330-91-7
  • Add to cart Product Name SKU Price Discount Qty
    On Recognition of the
    SKU 349
    On Recognition of the
    SKU 448

The contributors of this publication endeavor to address the multifaceted inquiries surrounding Israel's insistence on recognition as a Jewish state. Central among these inquiries is the question of why Israel specifically demands recognition as the national state for the Jewish people from the Palestinians, as opposed to any other nation. Furthermore, the book seeks to elucidate the objectives that Israel seeks to attain through such recognition by the PLO. It also delves into the ramifications that this recognition may have on the Palestinian population and examines the factors that render such recognition an arduous endeavor.


Honaida Ghanim is a political sociologist specializing in Israeli and Palestinian studies. She serves as the general director of Madar.

Antoine Shalhat is a prominent specialist in Israeli affairs and literary criticism, serving as head of the Israeli scene and Translation Unit at MADAR.


Raif Zreik is a jurist and a scholar, an expert in political philosophy and the philosophy of law. He has a PhD degree from Harvard Law School. Since 2011, he has been the chief editor of the Israeli issue journal (qadaya Israelia), published by MADAR.

 Hassan Jabarin, founder and General Director of Adalah —The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel. He holds a PhD in Law from Hebrew University.

Ahmad Al-Khaldi, the senior associate member of St Antony's College, Oxford, has written extensively about Arab politics, regional security, and the Palestinian national struggle.

Yousef Tayseer Jabarin is a human rights academic and former politician. He was a member of Hadash and the Joint List in the Knesset from 2015 to 2021.

Nimer Sultany. Is a reader in public law at the School of Oriental and African Studies. He holds a Doctor of Juridical Science degree from Harvard Law School.


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