(A new ‘’creeping’’ law to annex the West Bank to the so-called "military sovereignty", this is the second law in the twentieth parliamentary mandate aiming at imposing a civilian character on military courts in the occupied West Bank)
Initiator Anat Berko
Proposed bill 4121/20/F
(A bill raising the penalty of not preventing terrorism and helping to put down)
Initiator Meir Cohen
Act Number 4682/20/F
(A bill raising the penalty of not preventing terrorism and helping to put down)
Initiator Meir Cohen
Act Number 4682/20/F
A bill that gradually raises the threshold rate from 3.25% to 10%. The high rate mainly targets small groups, particularly in this case, the representation of the Palestinians inside Israel
(A bill prohibiting the hoisting of the flag and emblem of a state considered to be hostile to Israel)
Initiator: Robert Ilatov and others from the Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Our Home) Party
Bill No. 4520/20/F
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