A bill to repeal the Law on the Purchase of Land in the West Bank

Proposed Laws

(A new ‘’creeping’’ law to annex the West Bank to the so-called "military sovereignty", this is the second law in the twentieth parliamentary mandate aiming at imposing a civilian character on military courts in the occupied West Bank)

Initiator Anat Berko
Proposed bill 4121/20/F

On Wednesday, November 8, 2017, the Knesset General Assembly approved a bill submitted by Anat Barako of the Likud party, which authorising the inclusion of imposed fines by military courts on the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to the Israeli collection center in Israel in order to apply the same tools recruited in Israel for the sake of enforced collection.

This is the second law considered by Israel, through which the ruling coalition seeks to impose a civilian character on military courts, and which comes in contradiction to international law. At the end of 2016, the Knesset approved a final draft law to render the judgments imposed by the military courts compatibly approved by Israeli civil courts, of which allows filing civil suits against ‘’civilians’’ and compensation cases by ‘’victims’’ through military courts.
This is part of a series of laws aimed at imposing the so-called "Israeli sovereignty" over the West Bank through a series of indirect laws.

The law obtained a majority of 49 deputies from all blocs of the coalition. The law was opposed by 31 deputies from all opposition blocs (attached is the voting table).