Read the Israeli Scene Supplement Tuesday 11/03/2014:

• Front Page:
o Israel considers the protests of Bedouin against the Prawer Plan an extremist and conspiratorial national activity to its security!
o High-ranking Israeli Official: The Israeli Ministry of Finance discriminates against Arab citizens in monitoring budgets and resources!

o The Knesset member Dov Khenin in “The Israeli Scene”: These laws are precedent in terms of prejudges to democracy.

• Internal Pages:
o About some discontinuity operations from the economic trend Neo-liberalism in Israel.
o Lieberman and Ya’alon seek for presidency!
o Recognition of Israel as a Jewish State targets Palestinians beyond the Green Line.
o Netanyahu’s statements on settlements are deceptive while his policy on the ground is explicit and constant!

• Personal Interview:
o Barak Ravid in “The Israeli Scene”: I expect that the meeting between Netanyahu and Obama shall be concluded with more aversion!
• The Economic Scene:
o OECD calls for reducing the minimum wage in Israel.
o Women in Israel: highly qualified vs. less wages and promotions.
o Governments of Israel are called to cut 3 Milliard Dollars in next year’s budget!

• The Economic Brief:
o Tel Aviv ranks the top 20 of the world’s most expensive cities.
o Industrialists are mad: Knesset’s report on food prices is wrong.
o Port workers refer to the Likud to exercise pressure on the Minister.
• Special Topic: Israel Boycott Campaign
o “New Israel Fund” a prominent contributor to the funding of the International Campaign of Boycott against Israel.
o As a compensation for “Disadvantages of Boycotting”: Israel is executing an economic price levy operation from the pockets of citizens.

• Special Reports:
o The Official Health System in Israel is facing a deeper and serious problem than what the law has addressed!

• Follow-Ups:
o Thousands of Israelis move to live in settlements on an annual basis, adapt to the security situation and decline any non-Israeli sovereignty.
o Growing phenomenon of “Brain Drain” among officers of the Israeli Army.

• Last Page:
o The governmental Broadcasting Authority in Israel is provoking a storm which is rising and growing continuously.
o Volume 52 of “Israeli Issues”: special topic on Israel and the regional context in the aftermath of Arab revolutions.