Official Report on Poverty 2015: 31% of the population in Israel are in the cycle of poverty!

The Israeli Scene

- A general strike paralyzes the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and closes its embassy in the year.
- Sharp peak in the tension of the Israeli-American relations.
- Israel threatens not to release Palestinian prisoners without extending negotiations for a period of one year!
- Sharp increase in the number of Palestinians who were shot by Israel along the border of Gaza Strip.

- Special interview with the Political Analyst in “Maariv Newspaper” “Shalom Yerushalmi” in “The Israeli Scene”: The first year of Netanyahu’s current Administration has ended with great disappointment!
- A new paper issued by “Herzliya Forum”: Reflections on the need to update the Israeli Security Theory.
- The Anti-Poverty Committee is concerned about the lack of budget to fund its recommendations.
- Increasing talk about the slowdown of the impact of decline in inflation.
- Budget Officer of the Ministry of Finance acknowledges discrimination against Arab citizens.
- Danger in Israel remains concealed in “The White House”!
- The United States cause to dismantle the camp of pro-western countries in the Middle East.
- The return of the unilateral withdrawal idea from parts of the West Bank to the Israeli Public Speech aims at reinforcing the occupation!
- The settlements are making economic profits from environmental pollution in the West Bank.
- The Knesset hits a new rock bottom.
- Netanyahu and Ya’alon threaten to attack Iran.
- Netanyahu’s coalition records an unprecedented cohesion.