Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 11-02-2014:

• Front Page:
o Analysts: Lieberman is approaching the Americans in an attempt to reinforce his political power and increase the opportunity of inheriting Netanyahu.
o Netanyahu excludes Linvy Willped from deliberations on the Boycott Campaign of Israel.
o Israel disregards extensive construction works in settlements built on private Palestinian lands.

o A Knesset Committee approves a serious conscription law for the Israeli Army which includes the Haredim.

• Internal Pages:
o The Map of Identities in Israel remain dynamic but rather hierarchical!
o Kerry is trying to make peace in tricky ways!
o The situation of Arabs has worsened while improved for Jews.

• Special Interview:
o Professor Danny Gottfian in “The Israeli Scene” Likud Party fears that the potential division of Netanyahu indicates variations of positions within the Israeli right wing.

• The Economic Scene:
o Bank of Israel launches “War” on the exchange rate of Dollar!
o Recreation of Israelis in abroad costs less than internal tourism!
o Small and medium enterprises in the Arab community needs direct governmental support.

• The Economic Brief:
o House price in Israel is equivalent to the payroll of more than 12 years.
o Fines for using a cell phone while driving 20 Million Dollars.
o The Army demands an increase in its budget!

• Special Coverage:
o The Israeli National Security was distinguished in 2013 with a positive balance...

• Special Reports:
o Hectic Israeli endeavor to exclude “Creative Leftists” from the Israeli “Council for Culture and Arts”!
o There is a hand which moves objects... and it is not invisible!!

• Follow-Ups:
o Israeli politicians seek to force the Haredim to join the Military Service and the Army sees conscripting them as a burden!
o There is a lot in common between the enslavement of Israel to the Palestinians and the enslavement of America and Britain to Africans!

• Last Page:
• The Israeli Educational System disseminates a state of terror among teachers and students!
• Reminder: re-writing books criticizing the State and incorporating a part of the Palestinian historical narrative!