Israeli Scene Archive

The Israeli Scene

Recent report of B’Tselem announces suspended cooperation with the Military Prosecution:

The fig leaf of the occupation – an apparatus to enforce military law as a system for expunging facts!... Read More

The Israeli Scene

In a chapter addressing the housing of Bedouins in the Naqab, the State Comptroller’s recent report:

Although it is a “central goal of high national significance, government’s stalling and omission in regulating the housing of Bedouins in the Naqab... Read More

The Israeli Scene

The State Comptroller dedicates first chapter of his recent annual report to the employment of Arab citizens:

A dark picture of the employment of Arab citizens and wide gaps they suffer from due to discrimination... Read More

The Israeli Scene

A new student of the Institute for National Security Studies on 100th anniversary of the Sykes-Picot Agreement

It is time for international players to discuss the features of a new order in the Middle East region!... Read More

The Economic Scene

Economic brief 31/05/2016

Unemployment marks the lowest level (4.9%) A sharp rise in bankruptcy cases US$ 4.8 billion worth tax facilities for the medicine company “Sunday holiday” once a month Economic growth in Israel fa... Read More