Israeli Scene Archive


Israeli man of letters A. B. Yehoshua in an extended press interview:

Settlement activity in the Palestinian territory has made it difficult to separate the two nations!... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

The Israeli government admits transferring NIS 82 million as one-time extra grants to settlements in the West Bank:

A systematic and ongoing government discrimination in favour of settlements and settlers at the expense of periphery and central towns and their residents!... Read More

The Economic Scene

Economic brief 28/06/2016

Official wage rate reaches a climax in March Kahlon proposes construction of a casino in Israel NIS 100 million to support Ethiopians joining higher education institutions   The moment the mi... Read More


A special interview with the former Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 28/06/2016

Professor Shlomo Avineri to the Israeli Scene: Turkey will attempt to resume negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, but chances of success are mediocre... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

After the government adopted Chemnitz Committee’s recommendations for enforcing building regulations and laws in the Arab community:

Representative bodies of Arabs in Israel are preparing to confront a government plan to demolish tens of thousands of Arab homes!... Read More