Israeli Scene Archive



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Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

The secret behind the crisis between Bennett and Netanyahu

The Jewish Home seeks to curb expanding power of the Likud in settlements!... Read More

The Israeli Scene

Analyses by security experts:

Following Tel Aviv operation, Israel is certain that assessments addressing the demise of the Palestinian uprising are premature!... Read More

The Economic Scene

Economic brief 14/06/2016

The wealth of the 500 richest people in Israel is US$ 136 billion State Comptroller’s report reflects a mediocre acceptance of Arabs in workplaces Sharp rise in selling luxury houses... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

A new book on peace negotiations in Annapolis ((2007-2008) learnt lessons:

A final peace agreement and establishment of a Palestinian state require “changing the floppy disk” in Israel. This was not the case in the Annapolis process!... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

A new report of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel:

Division and control of the occupied territory carry grave consequences on Palestinian human rights!... Read More


A special interview with research at the Institute for National Security Studies, Tel Aviv University

Shlomo Brom to the Israeli Scene: Netanyahu wants a dialogue with Arab states to dictate the form of the relationship between Israel and Palestinians... Read More