Israeli Scene Archive

The Economic Scene

Economic brief 19/07/2016

Receding sales of food supplies and daily necessities 167,000 new cars in H1 2016   Bank of Israel: The government should inject an additional US$ 33 billion into the budget every year to mat... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Heated debate in Israel on the Biton Committee’s report on Mizrahi Jews

Analyses: Israeli extremist right wing seeks to induce the Mizrahi community for support in the elections!... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

On the 1st anniversary of the nuclear deal with Iran:

Two senior Israeli security experts: Iran is the only state which can potentially possess the power the threaten the existence of Israel!... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

A bill to annex Ma’ale Adumim settlement to Israel

Indications that the Knesset General Assembly votes today on the Bill for Exclusion of Arab MKs in the second and third readings!... Read More