A weekly newsletter monitoring key issues in the new media of Israel 22-25 November 2017

The current bulletin deals with the period between 22-25 November 2017, where the virtual world occupied a number of topics, most notably the statements of Deputy Foreign Minister Tsippi Hutubili regarding the Jews of the United States. The Israeli virtual world condemned Hutuibili's remarks, broadcasted on television, saying they were touched by American Jews. Hutubili clarified in her remarks that most American Jews do not understand Israel because "they never sent their children to fight for their country and do not know how it feels like when they are confronted with falling rockets.

For the second time in a row, this week has witnessed the virtual world’s preoccupation by the African refugees matter. This rejection was particularly pronounced by those opposing government plans and endorsing human rights, affirming how significant it was to support this group and their welfare.

On Sunday, the Israeli government enacted their close a detention center for African refugees. PM Benjamin Netanyahu, further, announced an agreement to deport 40,000 Africans who had entered the country illegally.

This week, the virtual debate over the controversial work of ‘’Breaking the Silence’’ has been renewed. Such renewal of a hitherto dormant case after the subject was stirred up at German capital, specifically putting the Israeli ambassador to Berlin, Jeremy Yeshkharov, under political pressure.

The son of the Israeli ambassador in Berlin, Dian Yashkharov, a spokesman for the organization, had previously told public opinion that during his military service he had beaten an unarmed Palestinian. These investigations led to the intervention of the Israeli public prosecutor, though investigations against the ambassador's son were shortly afterwards halted. The result of the investigation was that Yeshkharov lied and never beat a Palestinian. The ‘’Breaking Silence’’ organization said that the police were investigating the incident with a Palestinian who was not even related to this matter and that the video showing the Palestinian who beaten was displayed without the latter’s questioning.

The Israeli virtual world became further occupied with this matter, once again, after the mother of former conscript Yeshcharov, Laura Kam, supported him both on her Facebook page and through private media interviews.