A weekly newsletter monitoring key issues in the new media of Israel 19 - 22 November 2017

The current bulletin deals with the period between 19 - 22 November 2017, where the virtual world occupied a number of topics, most importantly of which was the decision of the Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, not to grant amnesty to soldier, Azarya, who executed Martyr Abdel-Fattah Sharif.

Rivlin's decision triggered a state of wrath over the virtual world, which was divided between supporters and opponents.

The split became more apparent after the image of President Rivlin's, wearing the Palestinian ‘’koffiyeh’’, spread out within the virtual world, of which called for a state of alert by his pro-defense camp.


The virtual world has turned preoccupied once more with the subject of PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s investigations, which has become the focus of attention for all the audience awaiting the end of the investigation and whether Netanyahu will be brought to trial or not.

MK Mickey Zohrer, Chairman of the Special Committee for Justice and Social Equality, organized a parliamentary session on the subject of sexual harassment in remote parts of the country. The discussions were racially provocative after accusations made against Arabs of sexual harassing Jewish girls were promoted. This comes in spite of the police’s confirmation that Zoher's hypothesis was incorrect. Moreover, discussions called for what was previously advertised by the head of the racist "Lahava" organization, Benchy Goughtstein, and activists, to prevent any relations among Jews and Arabs.

The panel discussions proceeded in terms of defending the hypothesis of Zoher and the attempts of the leftist organizations to prevent Goffstein from attending the discussions on claiming that the latter is termed as an inciter and that the Public Prosecutor's Office intended to file an indictment against him based on direct incitement.

Additionally, the following bulletin monitored a racist publication well circulated by rightists throughout he past period, which dealt with the death of journalist Abdul Hakim Mufid, The publication overtly congratulated journalist Mufid on such "death"!