
Studies, research and translations on politics, sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender, education and other topics.
The massacres of Nakba, many more than recognized by the Israeli society
  • Translated from Hebrew
  • As’ad Zoabi
  • 443
  • 978-9950-00-009-4
  • Add to cart Product Name SKU Price Discount Qty
    SKU 400
    SKU 499

"Holocaust, Resurrection, and Nakba," by  Yair Auron and translated into Arabic by As’ad Zoabi, offers a poignant exploration of three key historical events: the Holocaust, the “birth of Israel” (referred to as "resurrection"), and the Nakba. Auron, through his research, uncovered more massacres during the Nakba than are commonly acknowledged in Israeli Jewish society. He observes that many Israelis struggle to confront these realities, resorting to suppression, denial, or retroactive justification of the state's actions.

Auron's book does not simply recount historical facts; instead, it offers a new perspective that interlinks these three significant events. He argues that the Holocaust and the founding of Israel have shaped Jewish identity over generations, just as the Nakba has become a foundational event for Palestinians. Both groups have developed identities deeply rooted in a sense of victimhood – the Holocaust central to Jewish identity and the Nakba to Palestinian identity.

Auron concludes that true reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians hinges on mutual recognition and understanding of these tragedies. He emphasizes the importance of Israelis acknowledging the crimes and ongoing impact of the Nakba on Palestinian society and Palestinians recognizing the enduring significance of the Holocaust in Jewish-Israeli society.

About the author:

Yair Auron is an Israeli scholar and historian who specializes in Holocaust and genocide studies, contemporary Jewry, and racism. He has been serving as the head of the Department of Sociology, Political Science, and Communication at The Open University of Israel since 2005, and also holds the position of an associate professor.


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