
Studies, research and translations on politics, sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender, education and other topics.
Settler Violence and its Implications on the Humanitarian Situation in the Palestinian Territories
  • Research in settlement
  • 58
  • 978-9950-00-001-8
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    عنف المستوطنين وأثره على الفلسطينيين
    SKU 389
    عنف المستوطنين وأثره على الفلسطينيين
    SKU 488

Nabil AlSaleh's report, "Settler Violence and its Impact on Palestinians," offers a comprehensive analysis of the repercussions of settler activities in the occupied territories on Palestinian human rights. The report collates data from various non-governmental organizations, focusing on the impact of settlements on human rights and humanitarian conditions in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, particularly in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

AlSaleh's report sheds light on how settler violence impairs Palestinians' rights to freedom of movement, access to resources, and the ability to maintain decent living standards. It delves into the consequences of land confiscation and physical barriers on Palestinians' rights to property ownership, construction, and expansion. The report also examines the detrimental effects of settler activities on health and education services, employment opportunities, and social and cultural connections.

A significant aspect of the report is the examination of the settlers' control over water resources, highlighting its impact on agricultural livelihoods and domestic water supply. It also addresses the environmental consequences, particularly water quality, due to the lack of proper wastewater management systems.

The report details the geographical spread and types of settler violence, documenting its profound impact on Palestinian livelihoods, especially during the olive harvest season, and its psychological and educational effects on children.

In the case study of Hebron, AlSaleh provides an in-depth look at the multifaceted impact of settler violence on various aspects of life, including economic and social rights, education, and freedom of movement.

The report concludes by critiquing the occupation authorities' apparent indifference to settler violence. Through statistical data from various organizational reports, AlSaleh demonstrates how this policy of negligence exacerbates settler violence due to the systematic lack of accountability by the occupation authorities.


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