
Studies, research and translations on politics, sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender, education and other topics.
The Old City, Silwan, and Sheikh Jarrah
  • Political Research
  • 275
  • ISBNI 978-9950-03-041-1
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    الاستيطان في أحياء القدس
    SKU product_819
    الاستيطان في أحياء القدس
    SKU product_815

In this insightful book, "Settling in Palestinian Neighborhoods in Jerusalem," author Ahmad Amarah delves into a burgeoning form of settlement that specifically targets the heart of Palestinian neighborhoods in Jerusalem. Through meticulous examination, the book uncovers the intricate web of legal, political, and administrative practices that enable these actions, shedding light on their profound impact.

Amarah explores the complex interplay between law, politics, geography, and history, providing a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics behind this phenomenon. The book focuses on settlements in Silwan, Sheikh Jarrah, and similar neighborhoods, highlighting their distinctive characteristics and the strategies used by settlement associations to claim ownership of properties within Palestinian neighborhoods.

These associations often exploit Israeli laws related to absentee properties, leading to the allocation of these properties for settlement purposes. Amarah also delves into the growing influence of these associations, shaped by various political, social, legal, and historical factors, including the rise of the Israeli right and support from religious-nationalist Zionism.

"Settling in Palestinian Neighborhoods in Jerusalem" offers a comprehensive analysis of this complex issue, providing valuable insights into the ongoing challenges faced by these neighborhoods and the broader impact on the city of Jerusalem.

About the Author

Ahmed Amara is an expert in the geography and legal history of Palestine, with a particular focus on the Ottoman land law and endowments. He is also a human rights lawyer who holds a doctoral degree in history and Israeli studies from New York University. Ahmed has published several articles and books on these topics.


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