Following the assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh, many international sources demanded that Israel investigate the incident. This episode delves into the mechanisms used within Israel to handle such...
In this episode, Dr. Honaida Ghanim, Director of MADAR, reviews the most important conclusions of the MADAR annual Strategic Report (issue 18th). Ghanim, presenting the report through an executive ...
Temple Mount groups are Jewish extremists who seek to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque to build the Temple in its place, believing that the salvation of the Jewish people begins not only with control of...
This episode marks the launching of MADAR’s Arabic version of “What is Modern Israel” by Yakov M. Rabkin. In this episode, moderated by Sam Bahour, prof. Rabkin...
For years, the Jewish National Fund has been afforesting large areas of Negev land. When afforestation reached the outskirts of some unrecognized villages, the Palestinian people of the Negev reali...
In recent years, Israel has begun to invest in the high-tech sector in Jerusalem, supporting the creation of "technological incubators" to connect young Jerusalemite minds with the Israeli ecosyste...
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