Madar Podcast

Presenting the Israeli scene in a manner that combines the academic-educational and critical-analytical dimensions, covering topics including the political-partisan scene, social fissures inside Israel, colonial practices, occupation and foreign relations, and other issues.
  • Season 3
  • 374
  • Sam Bahour, Yakov Rabkin, Azar Dakwar

This episode marks the launching of MADAR’s Arabic version of “What is Modern Israel” by Yakov M. Rabkin. In this episode, moderated by Sam Bahour, prof. Rabkin presents solid critical arguments that judge Zionism and Israel using Jewish religious tools and references that shed light on the merits of the historical Jewish opposition to Zionism by quoting uncommon rabbinic sources. Prof. Rabkin’s arguments become more interesting as he engages into a theological-philosophical discussion around the book with Azar Dakwar, PhD candidate in Political and Social Thought.