Madar Podcast

Presenting the Israeli scene in a manner that combines the academic-educational and critical-analytical dimensions, covering topics including the political-partisan scene, social fissures inside Israel, colonial practices, occupation and foreign relations, and other issues.
  • Season 2
  • 374
  • Aris Bishara

In recent years, Israel has begun to invest in the high-tech sector in Jerusalem, supporting the creation of "technological incubators" to connect young Jerusalemite minds with the Israeli ecosystem. In this episode, we explore the meaning of technological incubators and ecosystems, linking them to Israel's colonial and neoliberal policies. Our guest is Aris Bishara, a feminist activist and PhD student in sociology, who studies the high-tech sector in Israel by examining the intersections between colonialism, neoliberalism, and the Israeli high-tech sector and its effects on the identities and stratification of Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line.