Israeli Affairs Journal

The first and only Arabic-language research journal devoted to Israeli affairs, including original and translated critical and academic contributions.
The Unique Dynamics of Israeli-US Relations: Unraveling the Historical Threads
  • Journal: Israeli Affairs
  • Raef Zureik, Nabil Al-Saleh, Honaida Ghanem
  • Gary M. Burge, Malik Samara, Maher Daoud, Walid Habas, Peter Beinart, Amir Makhoul, Dov Waxman, Hossam Jerais, Mohammed Khalaileh, Abdelkader Badawi, Raef Zureik
  • 130
  • ISSN 2709-0353


Title: "The Unique Dynamics of Israeli-US Relations: Unraveling the Historical Threads"

In this insightful analysis, the author explores the enduring and strategic alliance between Israel and the United States, delving into the historical context that underpins this seemingly unique relationship. The essay begins by acknowledging the unquestionable significance and depth of Israeli-US relations, raising the fundamental question of the secret behind this enduring partnership.

The narrative underscores the crucial role played by the United States in ensuring the success and viability of Israel through generous and unwavering military, economic, and diplomatic support. The author emphasizes a key historical point, contending that US support for the Jewish national home predates the creation of Israel, the discovery of oil, and even the resounding victory in the Six-Day War of 1967. The US Congress had previously passed a resolution in 1922 in support of establishing a Jewish home in Palestine, surpassing the Balfour Declaration both in details and enthusiasm.

The essay progresses to trace the stages of Western support for Israel, from British backing during the establishment of the state to clear French support, marked notably by the construction of a nuclear installation. Post-1967, France yielded to the United States, which demonstrated evident support during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. The chronological overview underscores the consistent sponsorship of Israel by a superpower throughout its history.

Crucially, the author argues that Israel is not merely a passive recipient of support but actively contributes valuable services to the West, particularly the United States. In addition to providing intelligence and espionage, Israel is positioned as a potent force that enables swift Western intervention in the region. The essay contends that the relationship is characterized by mutual interests, with both parties offering essential services to each other.

The author concludes by advocating for a historical reading that explores the stable and variable components, as well as the ebb and flow, in Israeli-US relations. While acknowledging occasional challenges, the overall assessment is positive, highlighting the overwhelmingly favorable nature of this enduring alliance and the room for maneuverability within its dynamics.

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