On the occasion of the International Day for Supporting the Rights of Palestinian Citizens of Israel, the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel released a document, which affirms the demands of Palestinian citizens of Israel. Namely,
A group of Israeli academics, recently established under the name Academia for Equality (AfE), has embarked on building and developing a data bank, namely Recruited Academia. In addition to news items and reports collected from Israeli and foreign media outlets, the data bank features official documents and reports released by universities. AfE mainly seeks to expose false
Late last week, Israeli Prime Benyamin Netanyahu returned from India following a several day visit. Described as a “historical visit”, this was the second time an Israeli prime minister visited India. The first was made by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2003. Netanyahu’s visit marked the 25th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between both countries.
Released on 15 January 2018, a new report by Yaacov Lozowick, Director of the Israel State Archives, has caused considerable controversy among relevant circles over the archive disclosure policy at the Israel State Archives in particular, and official government archives in general. Lozowick states that many challenges obstruct the proper functioning of the State Archives. Obstacles are associated with the approaches/policies of disclosing and allowing public access to the archives.
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