The psychological war and reality of the threats to Israel!

The Israeli Scene

• Front Page:
o Introductory word… The Israeli attack on Gaza as part of a “Religious War”!
o Contradictory expectations regarding the repercussions of a possible disagreement on a truce. The Israeli Army is preparing for “Hamas surprises” and Netanyahu’s Government is excluding any resume of fight!


• Internal Pages:
o Analysis: “The crisis between Obama and Netanyahu may affect the Israeli Defense Force”!
o Due to the attack on Gaza: a dull summer session at the Knesset leaves a strong coalition!
o Vision of two Israeli experts in law: Israel and the available alternatives to avoid an international investigation in the accusations regarding the violations of the Israeli Army to rules and laws of war during the last attack on Gaza.
o Netanyahu: findings of the International Investigation Committee are known in advance!

• Special Coverage:
o The last attack on Gaza has brought the topic into discussion in Israel. “Hannibal Procedure”…and the moral question in the formula of “A murdered soldier is better than kidnapped”!
o A reserve colonel was held captive during War 73: Using “Hannibal Procedure” is a moral crime which comes from a fascist perspective prioritizing the state over the individual!

• Special Interview:
o Special interview with the Reporter and Political Analyst at “Haaretz” Barak Ravid in “The Israeli Scene”: Netanyahu does not have a plan or strategy to get out from the war on Gaza!!

• The Economic Scene:
o The War of cost estimations comes after the war on Gaza!
o Research of the Ministry of Health: The health system in Israel is the most crowded among OECD countries.
o The industry of High Technology has witnessed a decline in 2013 and there are signs for a possible greater decline!

• The Economic Brief:
o The tourism industry demands a compensation of 217 Million Dollars.
o Decline in Israeli exports in the second quarter of the current year.
o Remarkable decline in reading newspapers.

• Special Reports:
o A paper of position has been submitted to “Herzliya Conference”: The groups which carries out the Price Tag Policy operations should be called terrorist organizations.
o Researchers: War on Gaza does not benefit Israel! * Historian and Researcher in the history of Israel: We have entered the political stage from conflict where Israel stand not only against the Palestinians but also the entire world*

• Follow-Ups:
o The Israeli academic Ziev Shternhal: Israel is fascist as it fights enlightenment and global values!
o Report: Israeli teaching curricula feed hatred, racism and incitement against the Arabs in Jewish schools.

• Last Page:
o The Israeli Supreme Court is subject to security reasons and prioritize them regardless of other reasons. A legal green light for collective punishment to demolish tens of Palestinian houses in the upcoming period!
o The Supreme Court approves to prohibit reading the names of children martyrs in Gaza Strip!!
o One of Madar Center’s activities: Issuance of a study on what is constant and transforming in the Israeli settlement project between the years of 1967 and 2013.