A new research paper: “Charity lottery” in Israel shouldered by the poor!

The Israeli Scene

• Front Page:
o Introductory word… another defeat for “The Israeli Mind”!
o Call for integrating Gaza under the Mandate of the United Nations. Lieberman: We decided to end the phase of dealing with tunnels and there is no decision for stopping the war on Gaza Strip!
o A leaked document disclosing American – Israeli intelligence cooperation against Egypt during the reign of Morsi!

• Internal Pages:
o Former National Security Adviser to Israeli Prime Minister: Redeployment on the border line with Gaza was necessary so that regular forces can revive the Army!
o A research for “Molad – The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy”, occupation and settlement are the direct and inclusive reasons behind the deterioration and declination of Israel’s international reputation!
o Israeli Security Theory and reputation of the Army in the Israeli community, the Israeli Army looks like an Army of amateurs in comparison with western armies!
o The word of the tenth Israeli President Reuven Rivlin in the ceremony of constitutional oath, Israel is using rockets to protect civilians and its enemies are using civilians to protect the rockets”!
o After termination of parliamentary partnership with the Likud, Lieberman rushes to choose a “political path” to remain in position!

• Personal Interview:
o Personal interview with the political analyst in “Al-Monitor” website, Akiva Eldar in “The Israeli Scene”: Israel has achieved nothing in the war on Gaza and lost the world public opinion!

• The Economic Scene:
o Officials at the Ministry of Finance exclude that a major economic damage has occurred from the attack on Gaza!
o The Arabs want to stay in Israel, does Israel want them?

• The Economic Brief:
o Decline in bank interest to cope with economic slowdown.
o The attack on Gaza does not increase the exchange rate of the Dollar.
o Increase in debts of Israeli families with 55% within 6 years.

• Special Reports:
o The Israeli General Speech washes its hands from war crimes against civilians!
o A resolution to form an independent international committee to investigate Israel’s violations of human rights during the attack on Gaza, ten Israeli human rights organizations: strong suspicions that Israel commits serious violations to international laws!

• Follow-Ups:
o Israeli documents of 1949: Ben-Gurion suggested the annexation of Gaza and the return of 150 thousand refugees!
o Calls to establish it after accusations of failure of the Government and the Army, Gaza tunnels shall be the focal point of an Israeli investigation committee on the current war!

• Last Page:
o Analysis: The war on Gaza has reinforced the Campaign of Political Prosecution against the Arabs and their parliamentarians in Israel!
o In line with “Spirit of the People” and in compliance with unanimity of the tyrant regarding the support to the attack on Gaza Strip, the Israeli Academy “volunteers” to limit and repress “Freedom of Opinion and Expression”!