Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 03-06-2014:

• Front Page:
o Introductory word: “Black Holes” in Israeli politics.
o Netanyahu and ministers in his Government: “Palestinian National Reconciliation Government reinforces terrorism!”
o New criminal case where corruption and politics are mixed in the Port of Ashdod!

• Internal Pages:
o Israeli Presidency – from a representative office to political trumpet!
o Analysis: The win of Rivlin shall lead to domination of the right wing over the general Israeli Speech!
o New information from the Association for Civil Rights on East Jerusalem.
o Campaign of people protests in Israel has vanished despite escalation of economic strikes!
o Inside Netanyahu’s Government – Cabinet, growing voices on the annexation of areas in the West Bank to Israel!

• Special Interview:
o Special interview with a lecturer at Ben-Gurion University; specialist in history and Egyptian matters, Professor Yoram Meital.

• The Economic Scene:
o Economic growth during the first quarter 2,1% and the Individual Consumption declined to 2%.
o Bank of Israel recommends the Government to cut five milliard dollars from its budget!

• The Economic Brief:
o Bank of Israel stabilizes the interest despite decline in inflation.
o The Ministry of Educations increases the budget for Arab education.

• Special Reports:
o Season of argument and deception on the budget of Israeli Security!
o After four years of circumventing a former decision made by the Court: The Supreme Court commands the Government to halt payment of “Income Security” allowances to students of religious colleges, the Haredim!

• Follow-Ups:
o Israeli Analysis: The win of El-Sisi is a “good news” for Israel and it supports security.
o Israeli researcher at the Ministry of Education: The Israeli educational curricula include extreme and fascist national contents too!

• Last Page:
o Issuance of book “How I became non-Jewish” for Shlomo Sand.
o In a judicial precedent, the Israeli Supreme Court prohibits the publication of a literary novel.