Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 20-05-2014:

• Front Page:
o Introductory word: Crimes of “Price Tag” and the agreed Israeli falsehood.
o Regarding the opposition to conscription in the Haredi community: The Israeli Army gives permission to officers and soldiers to wear civil clothes outside military camps to avoid harassment!

o Netanyahu’s failure to revoke the Israeli Presidency Institution * The Knesset elects the next Israeli president on the tenth of next June*

• Internal Pages:
o A new position assessment paper issued by “Jewish People Policy Institute”: 2014 – strategic decisive year.
o The Knesset began a new summer session. A new collection of racist laws and battles of “Muscle Strength” among coalition partners!
o About “Law-Breaking” authorities in Israel to cover up scandals of the occupation!
o Governmental legislative initiatives to limit the hands of the Israeli Government in any peaceful negotiations: prohibition of release of Palestinian prisoners in any political negotiation or prisoner exchange deals!
o Following the escalation of violence in the community, the sense of personal security of citizens in Israel has declined!

• Special Interview:
o Special interview with the Reporter of Haaretz Newspaper for political and diplomatic affairs.

• The Economic Scene:
o The crime world inflicts the Israeli economy 4 Milliard Dollars!
o Economic discrimination against Arab citizens drives Israel to the bottom!

• The Economic Brief:
o Decline in deficit.
o Public debt is 200 Milliard Dollars.
o “Intel” adds one thousand jobs in the south.
o Israel hotels reduce salinity of Dead Sea pools.

• Special Reports:
o Following the judgment decision to imprison Olmert, the Israeli Judicial System promises to deal with gloves of iron with authoritative corrupt violations!

• Follow-Ups:
o State Comptroller’s report reveals violations and failures of the Government and Israeli authorities.
o Israeli citizens possess thousands of unlicensed weapons.
o The Police violates investigation rules with minors.

• Last Page:
o On the way to elect a new president for Israel “Netanyahu is attempting to assassinate the rules of the democratic game”!
o New Israeli books.