Israeli Scene Archive

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

A summary report on the first year of the 20th Knesset’s

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel: Many undemocratic regulations and regulatory initiatives endanger the “Israeli democracy”... Read More

The Economic Scene

Economic brief 19/04/2016

Tax incomes surpass ceiling by 6% 90,000 new cars in three months Kahlon recruits 6 international construction companies Overnight foreign tourists drop by 21%   The Israeli Ministry of Finan... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Israelis with the Stay of Execution – a series of TV reports:

15% of the Jews who arrived from republics of the former Soviet Union left Israel for various countries around the world! Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

A new plan of the Mateh Binymain Regional Council:

77,000 settlers in the Ma’ale Michmash area towards 2040... Read More


A special interview with the researcher specialising in the relationship between the army, society and politics

Professor Yagil Levy to the Israeli Scene: Over the past years, another Israeli army has emerged in the West Bank, differing from the official army!... Read More