A weekly newsletter monitoring key issues in the new media of Israel 17-20 September 2017

This issue covers the period 17-20 September 2017. Israeli online networks were preoccupied with a number of topics, including a meeting held between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

The Israeli virtual world was not so much concerned with the significance, content or any understandings reached in that historical meeting. It only focused on the absence of the Israeli flag from the diplomatic meeting a procedure that was contrary to the applicable protocol in Israel. Online networks considered this as disrespect, laying the blame Netanyahu.

This week, online networks were also provoked by the Police violence against ultraorthodox Haredi Jews.
A group of ultraorthodox Haredi Jews protested after the grandson of a key Jewish rabbi, Admor Avraham Yitzchak, had been arrested on grounds of announcing rejection of military service.

Dozens of Haredi Jews organised an angry protest, blocked roads, and interrupted the traffic. As a result, the Police used violence, beat and arrested a number of protestors.

This week two, conflicting reactions were stirred by MK Yigal Guetta’s resignation from the Shas Party and the Knesset. Media sources reported that Guetta might withdraw his resignation, which he had submitted to the Knesset Speaker, Yuli Edelstein, early this week.

Guetta resigned after he had participated in a homosexual wedding party of a relative of his, stirring controversy within the Shas party.