A weekly newsletter monitoring key issues in the new media of Israel 2-5 August 2017

This issue covers the period 2-5 August 2017. Israeli online networks were preoccupied with two topics. This week, Israeli online networks interacted with Jordanian MP Yihya al-Sa’oud to “fight” with Israeli MK Oren Hazan. Twitter users showed different reactions to the invitation, including those who opposed to and those who were in

Favour of the “fight”. However, sarcasm and humour prevailed most reactions, which called the invitation the “fight of the century”.

About the Newsletter:

The Israeli New Media Monitor surveys publications and posts in the public interactive space of the new media in Israel. The newsletter sheds light on social interaction with key topics. It focuses on the posts and statements published by Israeli right- and left-wing politicians, journalists and activists. The Israeli New Media Monitor also monitors increasing manifestations of racism in the Israeli society.