A bill discarding the treatment of participants in “terrorist operations” from the Health Insurance Law

Proposed Laws

(A bill requiring a majority vote of 80 out of 120 MKs to endorse any amendment to the Basic Law “Jerusalem the Capital of Israel”)  Attached is the original text of the Law

Initiator: Shuli Mualem from the Jewish Home Party as well as 22 MKs
Bill No. 4346/20/F


Together with 22 members of all ruling coalition parties, MK Shuli Mualem from the Jewish Home Party proposed a bill, providing that any amendment to the Basic Law “Jerusalem the Capital of Israel” requires a majority vote of 80 out of 120 MKs. In other words, the bill discards the two-third majority vote in an ordinary session of the Knesset.

According to the Israeli law, basic (i.e. constitutional) laws require a majority vote of at least 61 MKs in order to be amended or repealed. However, this bill proposes that three provisions, namely Articles 5, 6 and 7, under the Basic Law “Jerusalem the Capital of Israel” be amended. Accordingly, the majority vote would comprise 80 MKs.