Israeli Affairs Journal

The first and only Arabic-language research journal devoted to Israeli affairs, including original and translated critical and academic contributions.
Thirty Years of the Oslo Accords: From the 1993 Declaration of Principles to the 2023 Tel Aviv Protests
  • Journal: Israeli Affairs
  • Raef Zureik, Honaida Ghanem, Walid Habbas
  • Emtanes Shehadeh, Jamal Zahalka, Yair Wallach, Abdelkader Badawi, Abraham Brugge, Lev Greenberg, Yael Berda, Aviram Tsurev-Sayegh, Ahmed Izz, Abed Kanaana, Salim Salameh, Yahya Ismail
  • 146
  • ISSN 2709-0353

 Title: "Thirty Years of Oslo: From the Declaration of Principles (1993) to the Tel Aviv Demonstrations (2023)"

The century-long conflict over the land of Palestine, spanning from the late nineteenth century to the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, has been a complex narrative marked by displacement, occupation, and war. The Oslo Accords, a pivotal moment in this ongoing struggle, aimed to address the challenges faced by both the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel. However, three decades since its signing, the question of whether the Oslo Accords constitute a defining moment in the conflict remains open, along with an examination of their fundamental differences from preceding and subsequent events.

The context surrounding the agreement involved the isolation of the PLO, grappling with the aftermath of the collapse of the socialist bloc and the Gulf War, while Israel faced economic challenges exacerbated by the Palestinian intifada. The Oslo Accords emerged as a result of these constraints, attempting to reconcile conflicting interests.

While the agreement has faced criticism, notably an imbalance in recognition and the absence of explicit terms regarding final resolution and settlement conditions, it has had a lasting impact on the region. Israel retained control over critical aspects, while the Palestinian Authority (PA) navigates within defined guidelines, limiting its options for statehood or revolutionary tactics.

The Oslo Accords triggered a crisis within Israel, culminating in the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, revealing deep-seated ideological divisions. However, subsequent events, such as Ehud Barak's actions post-2000 and the 2022 elections, paint a complex picture of Israel's evolving political landscape.

The Tel Aviv-based protest movement, analyzed in this collection, should not be solely attributed to Rabin's assassination but understood within the broader socio-economic context of Israeli society. The collection, "Thirty Years of Oslo," comprises five articles on Oslo and four analyzing the Tel Aviv protests.

Jamal Zahalka explores the impact of the Oslo Accords on Palestinians within Israel, while Amtanes Shehadeh provides an economic-political analysis. Additionally, a translation and analysis of the 1993 Israeli Cabinet meeting on the Declaration of Principles is presented, shedding light on the political stances of that crucial moment.

To address current shifts in Israel, the issue features four articles linking the Kablin protests to the imperative of ending the 1967 occupation. These articles delve into military interests, settler attacks, and the inherent contradictions within the protest movement.

The edition, including contributions beyond its main axis, aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Oslo Accords in Israel. We hope this collection enriches the discourse on this pivotal period in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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