Israeli Affairs Journal

The first and only Arabic-language research journal devoted to Israeli affairs, including original and translated critical and academic contributions.
“the Judicial System in Israel”.
  • Journal: Israeli Affairs
  • Antoine Shalhat, Honida Ghanem, Raef Zureik
  • 130
  • 978-9950-00-013-1

This volume of the Israeli affairs revolves around “the Judicial System in Israel”. The materials of the theme monitor judicial institutions that occupy a central and vital role in the legal and judicial arenas in Israel. The High Court of Justices the most important of all, since it has power to monitor the legislations of the Knesset and the work of the government; meaning that it’s eligible for revising the laws issued by the Knesset, and examining their consistency with the basic laws that act as the constitution of the state. By this, it is a constitutional court that is capable of revising the decisions of the government, and that makes it an administrative court at the same time.

Marzouq Al-Halabi, a Journalist and Legist reviews the role of the High Court and its powers, and tackles the fundamental transformations in its history, and the significant issues that formed milestones in the process of its development.

Saleem Salameh, also a Journalist and Legist, writes about the basic laws in the Israeli state and the constitution’s issue. He observes the historical disagreements on the constitution upon the establishment of the state, which led to the compromise that is based on issuing the basic laws. After that, he explores the different basic laws that were issued. He also analyzes the legal status of these laws, their constitutional value, and the way the Higher Court dealt with them.

Ali Haider reviews in his article on the Legal Advisor to the Israeli Government, the different roles that the advisor do. Without a doubt, his job is one the most important legal posts in Israel. Haider also monitors the fundamental decisions the legal advisors took throughout the years, those decisions that impacted the judicial arena.

The current issue includes an exclusive translation of an extensive study done by Samadar Ben Natan, an advocate and a researcher that is specialized in the military roles. The study specifically deals with the changing role of the military courts throughout the years, the extent of its relation to the Israeli Judicial system as a whole, and to what extent do these courts constitute a particular juridical system within the general Israeli court system. The author points at the recent changes in the language of, and the methods of work of these courts, besides their excessive overlapping with the Israeli Judicial System.

The issue includes an extended interview with Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer, one of the most prominent Israeli legists. Prof. Kremnitzer worked until recently as a lecturer at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and today, he is working at the Israeli Institute for Democracy. The interview was conducted by the journalist Bilal Daher.

In the chapter of the current political follow-ups, wadi’ Alawawdeh reviews the experience of the Joint Arab List, the way it works, and the coordination between its members. He also reviews the main features of the new government after 100 days of its formation.

The issue also includes an article by Adnan Na’im - a researcher – on the representations of the Palestinian women in Israel in the Knesset and local councils. In addition to that, there an article translated from Hebrew for the critical Israeli sociologist Yehuda Shenhav about Al-nakba.

Beside the regular sections that include the book review and selections from the historical archives, there is the interview of the issue with Gish Amit, conducted by Ali Haidar. The focus of the interview is on Amit’s new book on the Israeli national library and its formation during 1945-1955 which included the process of looting many Palestinian books during Al-nakba.

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