Close confidantes of Netanyahu:

The Israeli Scene

• Front Page:
o Ya’alon: “Hamas is facing a political and strategic distress after the military operation”. The Israelis Security System decides to build a “Smart Wall” around adjacent towns of the border line between Israel and Gaza Strip to deter Palestinians from infiltration to execute operations or seek a job*

o The Israeli Police is being exposed to a severe shock following the resignations of senior officers.
o Consolidation of relations between “ISIS” and Jihad organizations in the Sinai. Study: Israel should put its security capabilities under the command of the International Alliance against ISIS.

• Internal Pages:
o About the annual report of “Jewish People Policy Institute”; the Jews constitute the third side of the Israeli-American relations!
o Sa’ar’s resignation reveals a political leadership crisis in the future between the Likud and Israel!
o Discussion at the center of the political arena; Israel needs a “great moral revolution” to prevent continuous immigration.
o Israel is still in need for a “comprehensive national vision”; the civil front in Israel and required qualification processes.

• Personal Interview:
o With the Co-Director of “Sikkuy – The Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality”. Ron Gerlets in “The Israeli Scene”: Growing racism in Israel is the result from the growing power of Arabs and their role in the Israeli economy.

• The Economic Scene:
o Decline in growth expectations to the lowest rate since 11 years!
o Israel continuous to recruit foreign workers “and returns to become a slave market!”

• The Economic Brief:
o Dismissal of 16 workers from their jobs for their opposition to the attack on Gaza!
o Decline in purchase of presents and the Government withholds its contribution to charitable associations in feasts.
o The Electricity Company declines to reduce the prices despite decline in production cost.

• Special Coverage:
o The Israeli Supreme Court approves the constitutional Admissions Committees Law in “public towns”. The higher judicial stamp of the Apartheid in the residence!
o Petition… initial appeal and circle court to adopt “state’s position”!

• Follow-Ups:
o The Israeli Ministry of Education declines anti-racism programs through Jewish-Arab meetings.
o The businessman Yeteshaq Chova owns keys to totally paralyze the Israeli economy !

• Last Page:
o Israel is excluding a settlement on Gaza Strip! *Sharp debate regarding “Excessive Extravagance” of the Israeli Army in using ammunitions during the last attack on Gaza Strip*.
o “The Scene” library, Zionism is a synonym to Judaization and antithesis of equal citizenship!