Israeli Scene Archive

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage


A special interview with military analyst on Ynetnews:

Ron Ben-Yishai to the Israeli Scene: Thousands in settlement and the right wing support suspects involved in the attack in Duma... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Peace Index survey by the end of 2015

11% of the Jews in Israel think an application of the “two-state solution” is possible 13% of the Jews refused to label attack on the Dawabsheh family as terrorist! Read More

The Israeli Scene Archive

Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 22-09-2015

• Front Page: o Netanyahu asked Putin to prevent attacks being launched from Syria at Israel.o The European Union hints at the possibility of tightening restrictions against the settlements if Israel... Read More

The Israeli Scene Archive

Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 08-09-2015

• Front Page: o Israel’s Supreme Court authorizes the demolition of buildings by the occupation anywhere in the West Bank.o Despite Knesset approval, the government’s natural gas deal implementation ... Read More

The Israeli Scene Archive

Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 25-08-2015

• Front Page: o Calls from within Israel’s academic establishment to implement force-feeding of prisoners on hunger strike.o A legal position paper published by Gisha: The “Policy of Separation” betw... Read More

The Israeli Scene Archive

Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 04-08-2015

• Front Page: o The latest assessment by Israel’s security establishment: The killers of the Dawabsheh infant seek to establish an Israeli regime based on Jewish law.o Back to the “Agreed-upon Israel... Read More