Israeli Scene Archive

The Israeli Scene

The Association for Civil Rights in Israel on antiracism education

Head of Association and author Sami Michael: If do not recognise and shake off the epidemic of racism, we may face what happened in Europe!... Read More

The Israeli Scene

A research paper by the Jerusalem Center for Public and State Affairs:

The popular uprising is an outcome of a targeted policy implemented by the Palestinian Authority... Read More

The Israeli Scene

(Reserve) Brigadier General Yossi Kuperwasser, a co-author of a new Israeli research paper on the popular uprising:

The current Palestinian Intifada is an outcome of a strategy developed by Fatah in 2009!... Read More

The Economic Scene

Economic brief 22/03/2016

Kahlon declines his total rejection of a double budget US$ 103 million worth car parking fines last yearSetting the highest salary cap for financial company managers Financial inflation keep declining... Read More