The Israeli Scene

A weekly supplement that includes newspaper articles, critical analysis, and close follow-up of developments in the Israeli scene.



مرحبا بكم في صفحة الأرشيف الخاصة بنا. ستجد في هذه الصفحة إجمالي 823 من مقالاتنا مقسمة إلى شهور وسنوات.

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

New reports of human rights organisations:

The number of Palestinian administrative detainees, women and minors imprisoned by Israel in detention facilities over the last 3 months of 2015 is the largest since July 2010... Read More

The Israeli Scene

From occupation to (creeping) annexation, a new report of Yesh Din demonstrates:

Silently and without an official decision, Israel’s government adopts and implements the Levi Committee’s report to legitimise “illegal” settlement outposts: The West Bank is not occupied territory... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Edmond Levi Committee’s report on “illegal” settlement outposts:

Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria is not occupation nor is there a “illegal” settlement activity... Read More