The Israeli Scene

A weekly supplement that includes newspaper articles, critical analysis, and close follow-up of developments in the Israeli scene.



مرحبا بكم في صفحة الأرشيف الخاصة بنا. ستجد في هذه الصفحة إجمالي 828 من مقالاتنا مقسمة إلى شهور وسنوات.

The Economic Scene

Economic brief 20/12/2016

The Israeli army’s budget reaches a new climax A sharp rise in tourism in November 38% of couples met on online-dating sites The Israeli Minister of Finance warns: Rising economic growth in Israel is ... Read More

The Israeli Scene

Human Rights Survey 2016 of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel:

An overwhelming majority of the Jews believe that the state practices against Palestinians do not “constitute a violation of human rights”!... Read More

The Israeli Scene

Following early release of former President of the State Israel Moshe Katsav

Women’s angry response: Undermining dignity and spilling blood of women in Israel!... Read More

The Israeli Scene

Israeli Democracy Index 2016:

A sharp decline in Israeli public’s trust in various government institutions, with the exception of the army!... Read More