The Israeli Scene

A weekly supplement that includes newspaper articles, critical analysis, and close follow-up of developments in the Israeli scene.


November 2016

مرحبا بكم في صفحة الأرشيف الخاصة بنا. ستجد في هذه الصفحة إجمالي 83 من مقالاتنا مقسمة إلى شهور وسنوات.
Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Inauguration of the Knesset’s winter session:

A coherent coalition, feuding opposition and a racist, right wing collection of laws... Read More

The Israeli Scene

After the Head of Jewish Home takes office as Minister of Education:

Zionisation of the Israeli education to the degree of obsession... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

A right wing defence document on Israel’s policy under the right wing government

Israel’s foreign policy undertaken by Netanyahu has come to a success... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

The overwhelming majority of workers are Arabs and foreigners

Work accidents at construction sites continue and the sraeli government does not deter contractors!... Read More

تقارير، وثائق، تغطيات خاصة

ائتلاف متماسك ومعارضة متناحرة ومجموعة قوانين عنصرية ويمينية!

افتتح الكنيست يوم الاثنين (أمس)، دورته الشتوية التي ستستمر قرابة 6 أشهر، وفي الثلث الاول منها سيكون الانشغال الأساس في اقرار الموازنة العامة للعامين المقبلين 2017 و2018. ولا تبدو أي عقبات أمام هذه الم... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

Latest reports from the Jordan Valley

The Israeli army transfers Palestinians and demolishes their homes Settlers expand settlement outposts!... Read More


A preview of a new book on the Arab Spring by Israel’s ambassador to Egypt

The Arab Islamic civilisation failed to escape its impasse under the Ottoman rule throughout 500 years... Read More