The Israeli Scene

A weekly supplement that includes newspaper articles, critical analysis, and close follow-up of developments in the Israeli scene.


February 2016

مرحبا بكم في صفحة الأرشيف الخاصة بنا. ستجد في هذه الصفحة إجمالي 92 من مقالاتنا مقسمة إلى شهور وسنوات.

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage

A founder of Im Tirtzu presents motives of the vicious right wing campaign against anti-occupation activists

Erez Tadmor: “Left wing organisations deniably serve foreign interests and acts like a spearhead in the anti-Israel propaganda... Read More

Reports, Documents, Exclusive Coverage


A special interview with the Israeli historian and former ambassador to France

Professor Élie Barnavi to The Israeli Scene: It is not easy that Israel refuses the French initiative and will participate in an international peace conference if convened... Read More