A weekly newsletter monitoring key issues in the new media of Israel 10-13 December 2017

This issue covers the period 10-13 December 2017. Israeli social media networks were preoccupied with two important topics: Israeli Defence Minister’s racist statements and the Supermarkets Bill.

 This week, Israeli Minister of Defence Avigdor Lieberman renewed incitement against the Arab public in the country. Lieberman called for boycotting residents of Wadi Ara and Umm al-Fahm in the Northern Triangle on grounds of participating in protests against US President Donald Trump’s decision on the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the Israeli occupying state.

On Tuesday morning, the Knesset approved in a first reading the Supermarkets Bill with a majority vote of 59 MKs to 54 against. It is worth noting that the government coalition found it difficult to secure the required majority in order to pass the bill.

According to the bill, the Minister of Interior can reverse municipal regulations which he endorses in the future. These regulations relate to opening convenience stores on Saturdays.

The bill preoccupied the Israeli social networks since it affects Israel’s secularism, which a large segment of society attempts to protect against religious coercion.