A weekly newsletter monitoring key issues in the new media of Israel 25-28 October 2017

This issue covers the period 25-28 October 2017. Israeli social media networks were preoccupied with two main topics. At the Knesset, Zionist Camp MK Ksenia Svetlova daubed an angry lipstick note on the windshield of her fellow Leea Fadida, who parked in the parking space of Svetlova.

Israeli social media networks were broadly preoccupied with this issue. While the majority mocked the incident, others either defended or attacked Svetlova.

On the other hand, Israeli social media platforms interacted with the oath made by the new Chief Justice of the High Court of Israel Esther Hayut on Thursday. Hayut succeeded former Chief Justice Miriam Naor.

Israeli social media activists were occupied with Hayut, who moves to her new position in the context of an ongoing debate over the High Court’s power to reverse the Knesset bills. An increasing number of unconstitutional bills have been proposed by current MKs.