A weekly newsletter monitoring key issues in the new media of Israel 11-14 October 2017

The US and Israeli position were driven by the Executive Board of the UNESCO. Members of the Executive Board unanimously adopted two resolutions on Palestine: (1) Resolution on Occupied Palestine, and (2) Resolution on Cultural and Educational Institutions in the Occupied Arab Territories.


The US and Israeli position also intensely preoccupied the Israeli virtual world. While some were in favour, others objected to the UNESCO resolutions. However, Israeli online networks showed a consensus on criticisms to the UNESCO policy.

This week, the Israeli virtual world was more intensely preoccupied with the Palestinian reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. This interaction ensued a post published the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Israelis who denounced the Palestinian reconciliation outnumbered those who commended and considered it as an achievement, which could keep Hamas away from resistance.

The Israeli virtual world also criticised Avi Gabay, Labour Party leader, for his racist statements. Gabay said that he sought to form a government, which would be void of MKs of the Joint List.

Gabay explained that the Labour Party would not be a partner with parties, which did not embrace the Zionist thought. This statement led to an attack launched by the Israeli virtual world on Gabay.